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Desexing is a crucial process to prevent animals from reproducing, involving different surgical procedures for males and females.

Neutering Male Cats: We recommend neutering male cats when they exceed 1.5kg. This involves the removal of the testicles. This procedure doesn't require stitches.

Neutering Male Dogs: Our male dog neutering is typically performed from 5 months of age, with specific timing preferences based on breed and vet recommendations. This procedure involves removing the testicles and requires stitches which are just infront of the scrotum.

Speying Female Cats: We recommend speying female cats when they exceed 1.5kg. The procedure, called ovario-hysterectomy, involves removing the ovaries and uterus. Speying is a more invasive process compared to neutering, and your cat will have stitches on the belly after the operation.

Speying Female Dogs: Female dogs can be speyed from 5 months of age, with timing preferences varying among breeds and veterinarians. Similar to cat speying, this is a more invasive procedure with stitches on the belly. We do not spey dogs in heat (bleeding until 2 weeks after it finishes). If unsure about your dog's heat cycle, please contact us. Early age speying offers various benefits, notably a significant reduction in the risk of mammary cancers.

For prices or to make an appoitment please contact us.

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